Mileus. Commuting Home. Comfortably.

We’re interconnecting the best from the world of public transport and ride-hailing services.

An intermodal mobility technology platform for ride-hailing and taxi operators.

Using Mileus reduces congestion and pollution in cities, increases comfort for commuters and improves vehicle utilization for ride-hailing and taxi operators.

Why It's Needed

of urban commuters use private cars, increasing congestion and pollution

more time is added to our trips due to congestion

of population will live in urban areas by 2050

A person taking a taxi after getting off a metro


Car? Or public transport?

Your own car? Traffic jams and an annoying search for a parking spot

Public transport? A sacrifice to your comfort. Longer journey, quite a bit of waiting, a few transfers, and possibly a long walk home from the last stop.

Intermodal solution

Combining public transport & taxi

We plan your journey home, using public transport when it is faster than a car, and a transfer to a taxi when it makes sense to switch.

Making your commute

  • faster than public transport,
  • cheaper than taxi,
  • comfortable.
  • Guaranteed.

So you can leave your car at home.

How It Works



In any personal transport application integrated with Mileus, tap on “Get Home”.


Mileus offers you a number of connections. You’ll see which public transport to ride, at which stop to transfer to a taxi, how fast your trip will be, and what the price will be — everything you need to make the right decision.



You decide which option suits you best and order the taxi. (Or you can start riding public transport and wait for better offers during your journey.)


Get on the suggested public transport, closest or most suitable to you.



At the given public transport stop, get off and transfer to the taxi already waiting for you. Get home comfortably.


Mileus learns your preferences so it can offer you even better connections the next time you use it.

Making urban transport more sustainable and our cities more livable.

What We Bring


Making your commute home better. Comfortable.

Avoid congestion, too many transfers, long connection waiting times, and last mile walking. Arrive home faster and comfortably.


Making your commute home better. Comfortable.

Avoid congestion, too many transfers, long connection waiting times, and last mile walking. Arrive home faster and comfortably.


Making it easier to leave your car at home.

Not sure about your evening plans and whether there’ll be good public transport connections to get home? No need to drive your car because of that. We’ve got you covered – we guarantee a comfortable evening commute home from wherever, at any time.


Making it easier to leave your car at home.

Not sure about your evening plans and whether there’ll be good public transport connections to get home? No need to commute in your private car because of that. We’ve got you covered – we guarantee a comfortable evening commute home from wherever, at any time.


Adapting to your preferences.

Want to get home fast? Choose the quickest journey. Want to save money? Choose a transfer to a taxi when it’s right. We’ll learn your preferences and give you even better offers next time.


Adapting to your preferences.

Want to get home fast? Choose the quickest journey. Want to save money? Choose a transfer to a ride hail service when it’s right. We’ll learn your preferences and give you even better offers next time.


In the application you already use.

Mileus is not another application you need to install. It’s integrated in the apps you already use – whether it’s a ride-hailing, taxi or journey planning app.


In the application you already use.

Mileus is not another application you need to install. It’s integrated in the apps you already use – whether it’s a ride-hailing or journey planning app.


Driving user engagement.

Ride-hailers today cover only around 5% of residents’ transport demand. Integrating our technology to offer an intermodal transportation service will enable your app to become the go-to platform for residents searching for a ride-hail, public transport, or a combination of both. Thus, increasing your user engagement and unveiling more of users’ transportation intent, enabling you to generate demand effectively.


Driving user engagement & ride frequency.

Thanks to the Mileus technology, we can use the capacity of our cars more efficiently, especially outside of city centres. When the roads in the centre are overloaded, Mileus naturally locates a transfer from public transport to our cars outside of the city centre and utilises our car there. Drivers do not have to return to the centre for their next passenger and the utilisation of our vehicles increases.


Increasing ride frequency & ARPU.

With the intermodal service, average order value will decrease, allowing you to tap into more price-sensitive customer segments as well as increase ride frequency of existing customers. Driving the average value per user up by roughly 15+%.


Increasing ARPU.

These days, 30% more time is added to our trips due to delays caused by traffic. By 2050, 8 out of 10 people will be living in urban areas and delays caused by congestion in city centres are expected to increase while suburban areas will remain underserved by public transport. With Mileus, our app will become a go-to platform for our users to search for transport alternatives, be it public transport, ride-hail or combinations of both. We will be able to see more of our users’ intentions and desires when it comes to transport.


Improving vehicle utilization.

When the traffic in the center is overloaded, Mileus locates a transfer from transit to your cars outside the congested areas. Drivers do not have to return to the city center for their next passenger, increasing the utilisation of your vehicles and their time.


Improving vehicle utilization.

Mileus finds our next passenger effectively and close by, even in the suburbs. Our drivers will not have to wait long for the next ride once the last one has finished and it reduces the risk that a competing application will get them a passenger first, meaning we lose the capacity to fill our next orders.


Covering the full market development lifecycle.

From market sizing and validation, through business modeling and planning, all the way to technical integration and operations. Our technology and analytical tools cover the full market and customer development lifecycle of an intermodal transportation service. Everything you need to make the right decision and ensure successful implementation.


Covering the full market development lifecycle.

With growing congestion levels, municipal authorities are going to take action and start imposing ride-hail and congestion taxes. Mileus enables you to adapt to future regulatory impacts. You will support interoperability with public transport, help increase public transport passenger numbers, and become a partner with, rather than an enemy of the transport authorities.


Increasing public transport ridership.

We interconnect public transport and ride-hailing, increasing commuting comfort compared to today’s public transport options, especially in the last mile. This aims to motivate commuting residents to trade their individual journeys in private cars for the intermodal transport, increasing transit ridership.


Improving congestion and parking problems.

Mileus offers an alternative for people who drive their cars into the centre that is more comfortable than today’s public transport options. At the same time, it pushes ride-hailing demand further away from the city centre during the evening rush hour, helping to address issues with gridlocked roads and full car parks.


Improving congestion and parking problems.

As a result, this intermodal solution decreases the number of private cars in city centers and improves parking problems. At the same time, it helps expand the ride-hailing operational radius to areas outside the city center, taking pressure off the congestion in the center.


Increasing public transport ridership.

Thanks to the link between public transport and ride-hailers, Mileus increases commuting comfort (especially the last-mile problem) for those who opt to use their own car for the journey to work or the centre, or who would only use ride-hailers for the journey home.


Reducing pollution in city centers.

As public transport vehicles generate over twice less emissions than private cars, the increase in transit ridership at the expense of individual car tips will help significantly decrease pollution in city centers.


Reducing pollution in city centres.

Apart from helping to reduce the use of private cars, Mileus helps expand the ride-hailing operational radius to areas outside of the city centre, taking pressure off the congestion in the centre.


Providing valuable data.

With our technology, municipalities can monitor and measure the impact of intermodality and effectively plan and control the number of private cars or ride-hailers’ vehicles in places served by public transport.


We provide valuable data.

Thanks to integration with Mileus, municipalities can monitor and measure the impact of intermodality and effectively control the number of private cars or ride-hailers’ vehicles in places served by public transport.

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Hey, we have something for you!

Our FREE CASE STUDY from Prague, Czechia will show you how ride-hail operators can grow their business rapidly, yet sustainably – by providing intermodal service to their customers. Download it with just one click below.

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