Top 10 Platforms to Get Your Urban Mobility News, Trends & Insights

Elizabeth Novacek

October 4, 2021

4 min read


rom electric scooters to autonomous vehicles and demand-responsive transport to new MaaS solutions, the mobility industry moves fast. And there’s no shortage of platforms keeping up with its beating pulse. We’ve come up with a list of our favourite urban mobility platforms that help us stay up to date with industry new, insights, and trends. We hope you can enjoy them as much as we do!

1. CityLab.

A franchise of the business and market news mecca platform Bloomberg, CityLab lends a microphone to everything about the future of cities. With some of the world’s brightest voices, it looks at urban topics through the lenses of design, culture, transportation, environment, economy, housing, justice, and government. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, newsletters  

2. Cities Today.

Being one of the largest urbanism information platforms, Cities Today is an information staple for urban stakeholders with their global coverage which focuses around the key themes: digitalisation, mobility, and livability. They do a fantastic job of engaging both the private and public sector, and platforming dialogue between the two. Beyond news, analysis and opinion pieces, they also offer an open library of city planning documents, white papers, presentations. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, white papers, newsletters

3. CoMotion.

Seated in the US, CoMotion is catching all the waves at the forefront of urban mobility globally. They engage the industry’s movers and shakers, from big established companies like Google and Uber, to a spectrum of startups. Their podcast is co-hosted by urbanist Greg Lindsay, who gives a wide angle view on transport topics with each episode’s guest speaker and feature topic. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, podcasts, webinars, white papers, newsletters 

4. Drive Now Magazine.

In the land down under of Australia, urban mobility innovation is moving at full speed offering several perspectives and case studies for us elsewhere to learn and reflect from. Drive Now, Australia’s voice for commercial passenger transport, is an excellent resource to get this perspective. While they do focus on local news and opinions, they also do cover international topics. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, magazine, statistics

5. EIT Urban Mobility.

The Urban Mobility branch of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) which plays a vital role in facilitating innovation in our industry in Europe. Beyond publishing content, they also provide mechanisms to help enable innovation, like summits, research, and accelerator programs. Visit their site here

Forms of content: podcasts, articles, videos, newsletters

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6. Eltis – The Urban Mobility Observatory.

For over twenty years, Eltis has provided information, good practice, tools, and communication channels to help cities reach more sustainable urban mobility. They do this with three key methods: providing news, research and data, and ways to participate. It is financed by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, newsletters, research, case studies, videos

7. Intelligent Transport.

Formerly named Eurotransport, Intelligent Transport has been serving the urban transportation scene for 15 years now. Over this time, they’ve created an indispensable platform for discussion among industry stakeholders that helps propel new ideas and dialogue to propel our industry. MaaS and service integration, smart cities, ticketing & payments, passenger experience, and safety and security are some of the overarching topics they cover. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, op-eds, podcasts, webinars, white papers, videos, newsletters, digital magazine

8. Shared Use Mobility Center.

Shared mobility naturally requires collaboration. And that is exactly what Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) is here to do. Shared mobility naturally requires collaboration. And that is exactly what Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) is here to do. As this industry grows, SUMC works to centralise all its new developments and information in one spot for all of its co-creators with research, education modules, and industry news. Visit their site here

Forms of content: research, articles, webinars, newsletters 

9. Smart Cities World.

Through their platform, Smart Cities World invites smart city ecosystem makers to share their experiences and learn from each other. Beyond mobility, they also focus on connectivity & data, urban space, governance & citizens, and energy & the environment. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, newsletters, research, white papers, podcasts, webinars

10. TaxiPoint.

This UK taxi and ride-hail news source was created by Perry Richard, a taxi driver himself, who had a mission to deliver professional and impartial trade journalism. Since its founding in 2017, they’ve been covering a mix of local, national, and global news articles about topics all centred around taxi and ride-hail perspectives. Visit their site here

Forms of content: articles, newsletters, digital magazine

Thanks to our urban mobility friends for contributing to this list: Orlie Sol Gruper, Scott Shepard, Perry Richardson, and Aurelien Cottet. 


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