There’s plenty of challenges to be addressed to make intermodal mobility solutions a truly viable option within urban mobility. How can we make intermodality really sustainable and equitable? How can we integrate it with an existing public transport infrastructure? How can we ensure it’s easily adopted by users? I’ve put together five principles to navigate these challenges.
Urban Mobility Post-Pandemic: The Opportunity for Taxi & Ride-Hailing Industry
Looking at the urban mobility industry in 2021 and beyond, I am expecting a new normal will emerge where we combine working from home and working from the office into a new weekly rhythm. This will significantly decrease the commute needs of mainly the knowledge workers representing 26% of the workforce and create a unique opportunity for ride-hailing and the taxi industry.
Project Mileus Mobile SDK is supported by the Pražský voucher grant.
In 2020, our company, Mileus CZ s.r.o gained support from the European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme “Praha – pól růstu ČR”.
Project Mileus Launch is supported by the Pražský voucher grant.
In 2020, our company, Mileus CZ s.r.o gained support from the European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme “Praha – pól růstu ČR”.
[FILLED] Senior Frontend / Full-Stack Software Engineer
Master of data visualisation & UI. Join us in bringing a comfortable commuting experience to large cities!
Can Ride-Hailers Increase Ride Frequency without Cutting the Profits? Here’s How
Learn how intermodality might help ride-hailing operators to grow their revenues and enable passengers to get comfortable, guaranteed and affordable commute at the same time.
Ride Sharing Won’t Solve Congestion Problems in Cities. We Need to Jump to a New Level of Urban Mobility.
How to leverage digital technology to interconnect public transport with taxi & ride-hail services to optimize the entire system and effectively reduce the number of cars in cities and congestion? That’s what Mileus was founded for.
An Effective Combination of Public Transport and Ride-Hailing Services for Better Transport in Cities
Juraj Atlas has raised a pre-seed round of 400,000€ for his new startup Mileus that aims to improve the overall traffic situation in large European cities. The platform will make travelling easier by interconnecting public transport with ride-hailing services.
Juraj Atlas: From a Corporate Manager to an Entrepreneur
Juraj Atlas, Mileus CEO, about his journey leading from global corporations to a start-up that helps ride-hailers grow and makes our cities more livable at the same time.
First Mile, Backbone, and Last Mile Transport – Building a Sustainable Intermodal System
Intermodality seems to be at the core of all the solutions that might bring an alternative to a private car for our basic daily transportation needs. But how to build an intermodal system that really might stand for its viable alternative?