Cities across the world are implementing fare-free public transportation to address mounting congestion and CO2 emission challenges. But will it be the champion urban mobility solution? This I am not sure about.
Transportation That Meets Sustainable Development Goals? Meet Intermodality.
When it comes to sustainability, transportation is often seen more as an issue. At Mileus, we believe it doesn’t have to drive us away from Sustainable Development Goals. Actually, quite the opposite.
5 Principles to Ensure Sustainability and Integration of Intermodal Mobility Solutions
There’s plenty of challenges to be addressed to make intermodal mobility solutions a truly viable option within urban mobility. How can we make intermodality really sustainable and equitable? How can we integrate it with an existing public transport infrastructure? How can we ensure it’s easily adopted by users? I’ve put together five principles to navigate these challenges.
Juraj Atlas: When Autonomous Vehicles Arrive, the Cost of a Taxi Ride Will Be 10–17 Eurocents per Kilometer
“Mileus solution is more comfortable than public transport alone and cheaper than a taxi alone,” says Juraj Atlas. Mileus automatically interconnects ride-hailing services with transit system lines, improving the comfort and convenience of public transport while motivating people to leave their cars at home.
First Mile, Backbone, and Last Mile Transport – Building a Sustainable Intermodal System
Intermodality seems to be at the core of all the solutions that might bring an alternative to a private car for our basic daily transportation needs. But how to build an intermodal system that really might stand for its viable alternative?
Where to Start If We Are to Motivate Residents to Leave Their Cars at Home?
The aim of cities all around the world is clear: to limit the number of cars on streets. But how to motivate residents to leave their cars at home? And as there’s no quick, one-size-fits-all solution, how to find the right point of focus?
Forbes about Mileus: What Will the Result of Interconnecting Taxis and Buses Be? Liftago Co-Founder Launches a New Project
Interconnecting the two modes of transportation means decreasing the number of cars in city centers, increasing the comfort of public transport for suburban residents, and also having a positive impact on the environment.
Why Ride-Hailing Doesn’t Really Help Decrease Congestion in Cities
Initially, we all believed that ride-hailing would help decrease car overload and congestion, but we’ve seen the exact opposite happened. However, there is a comfortable alternative to ride-hailing: intermodality.
Commuting Home. Comfortably.
Cities face the challenge of how to enhance mobility, ensure accessibility, and create high quality and efficient transport systems while reducing congestion, pollution and accidents. At Mileus, we believe that the future of urban transportation lies in intermodality.