We are looking for a driven young performer hungry for learning. Join our team – innovate urban mobility and grow with Mileus!
[FILLED] R&D Engineer
An R&D Engineer unafraid of cutting edge technologies. Grow with Mileus and innovate urban mobility!
[FILLED] Software Product Designer
A passionate designer with an eye for visual details. Grow with Mileus and innovate urban mobility!
[FILLED] Marketing & Business Intern
A driven young star hungry for learning. Grow with Mileus and innovate urban mobility!
Juraj Atlas: When Autonomous Vehicles Arrive, the Cost of a Taxi Ride Will Be 10–17 Eurocents per Kilometer
“Mileus solution is more comfortable than public transport alone and cheaper than a taxi alone,” says Juraj Atlas. Mileus automatically interconnects ride-hailing services with transit system lines, improving the comfort and convenience of public transport while motivating people to leave their cars at home.
Forbes about Mileus: What Will the Result of Interconnecting Taxis and Buses Be? Liftago Co-Founder Launches a New Project
Interconnecting the two modes of transportation means decreasing the number of cars in city centers, increasing the comfort of public transport for suburban residents, and also having a positive impact on the environment.